2 Steps to Reach Your Goals in Your Fashion Brand (2021)

Fashion Brand Goals Simplified!

Last year in March, I consulted a fashion brand, and she came to me all depressed like…

She wanted to hit a $100k goal and try all different offers and spending a lot on promotions. She was totally worried it’s already March and didn’t move a needle…

P.S. If you want to create a strategy specific to your fashion brand, Join me in this 5 days free training called Fashion Marketing Bootcamp for more help to get more sales and customers in your fashion business.

She was putting herself on FB, IG, and all social media and finally asked me what would I do if I was in her place…

I replied I will stop doing everything… and she was like what..?

I told her to stop everything and just do 2 things… And she did it and the results..?

She hit her goal in just 7 months!!!

I’m going to share exactly what she did to reach her goal and how you can too…

Are you excited???

Here’s secret #1 An Easy Goal

Before, She was trying to sell

  • 20+ of her products simultaneously
  • Her bespoke services
  • Planning to launch a line with 10 new products,

I asked her to stop everything and we did simple math…

Instead of trying to sell all of these and getting overwhelmed, I said to sell just one thing…

Now, what does it mean to make $100k?

  • $50 Product x 2000 units (167 units per month)
  • $100 product x 1000 units (84 units / m)
  • $250 product or bundle x 400 units (34 units / m )
  • $2000 Service or package x 50 units (5 units / m )

I said to just pick that one product and focus on selling those units each month until you hit your goal. It’s that easy you guys….

If you have one thing to sell, you can totally focus your energy on marketing and run different promotions around it and you dramatically cut down all the overwhelm and stress. More help on that here.

Another important thing here is to make that an offer instead of a product.

Meaning add at least 2-3 free things to that product. Things like low-priced products that you can buy for cheap from places like China. Think of:

  •  Earrings
  •  Cute pouches
  •  Scarfs
  •  Stickers
  •  Badges
  •  And so on…

Or digital products like

  •  Style guides
  •  10 ways to wear it
  •  Beauty guide on how to wear makeup with your product
  •  Photo guide on how to take best selfies wearing your product

Anything that you can type on the word and convert into pdf…

An offer delivers more value than a product and was way easier to sell.

You can even add a coupon or gift that they can use on their next purchase.

Fashion business plan to audit your fashion business and fashion marketing plan to get consistent sales this year in your fashion brand

Now secret #2: An easy Promo Plan

Before she tried

  • Posting on FB
  •  Posting on IG
  •  FB ads
  •  Fb groups
  •  Writing Blogposts

She is spending all her time promoting as hard as she can, stretching herself too thin and getting overwhelmed….

Instead, I asked her, who do her ideal customers follow online… Like blogs, Youtube channels, and influencers…

Unfortunately, she has no answer for this and she did a quick survey to her customers and identified 20 places that her people hang out…

And guess what?

She approached those 20 people for collaborations and 10 of them said YES.

  • Sponsored her clothing to a few Youtube channels where that channel owner wore it on her video and mentioned the designer a few times in that video…
  •  Hosted a giveaway for some influencer audiences on FB Groups.
  •  Some influencers promoted her product for a commission on each sale.

And the results?

She hit half of her goal in 4 months…

And from there she started approaching more people and collaborate with them and focused on building relationships with influencers…

Now whenever she launches a new product, She just sends a couple of emails to her influencer friends, and boom… Sales just happen without her asking for a sale in her fashion brand …

There you have it… The roadmap to hit $100k is

  •  An Easy Goal
  •  An Easy Promo Plan

Here are the action steps to implement this strategy in your fashion brand:

  1. Pick a product that you want to focus on (if you are bored selling one product, pick one
  2. product per quarter to promote)
  3. Make that product into an offer by adding 2-3 freebies
  4. Decide on the price point (make sure to add influencer commissions + packaging
  5. Plan Promo Budget to it and make sure you are making at least 50% profit)
  6. Calculate how many units you need to sell per month (An easy Goal)
  7. Identify where your people hangout (Do a survey if needed)
  8. Make a list of influencers
  9. Approach them and make friends and build relationships
  10. Ask for collaborations (50% of people say NO and it’s OK)
  11. Run Influencer campaigns
  12. Thank influencers after each campaign and build relationships

P.S Are you on Instagram? Let’s connect.

And there you go…

One final note is, this is not an overnight success thing… Building relationships with influencers takes time… I suggest you start with building 2 relationships per month.

If you find this helpful and want to create a strategy specific to your fashion brand, Join me in this 5 days free training called Fashion Marketing Bootcamp for more help to get more sales and customers in your fashion business.

Fashion business plan to audit your fashion business and fashion marketing plan to get consistent sales this year in your fashion brand

Author: Lekha

Starting a fashion business takes a lot of courage and you did it. That was a huge step in confidence. Figuring the rest? Not a piece of luck or magic… It's just the numbers game and you can figure it out. After a handful of failures and successes and after helping hundreds of fashion designers to grow their fashion startups, I found the only reason behind failure is… You don't have a plan or strategy to get your product found to the people. You don't have a plan to convert those people to sales, You don't have a solid business foundation and you need to plug any leaks, You don’t have a plan to make your customers buy from you again and again... That's exactly what I can help you with… To build your audience, to get more sales, make an impact with your fashion empire 👑…

2 thoughts on “2 Steps to Reach Your Goals in Your Fashion Brand (2021)

  1. mona alnahdi says:

    You made it so easy to market our products. Thank you so much.


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